I will tell you what!! It is for sure a PITA to buy a new RV in the middle of a pandemic. A pandemic that has everyone and their brother out buying RVs. It's pushing service stations to turn away business and to say things to customers like, "you are no longer a customer of ours!" Those precise words were said to us when we wanted to get some warranty work done at Ansley RV for our new Winnebago that we bought in Forest City, Iowa. The RV that we bought just prior to this new RV which was just back in May of 2020, we DID buy at Ansley RV. To say to our faces that we are not customers of theirs was a bit mind blowing. And HOW RUDE!!
After the technician told us he wouldn't book an appointment for us we pulled out the Winnebago book and looked up the next closest dealer. It is Juniata Valley RV. It is a little further than Ansley, but what choice do we have. We gave them a call. They could schedule us but not until the end of July. As luck would have it, the first opening is during our annual 911 conference. That meant we actually had to book an appointment for mid-August. GEEZE! So we booked that time. Then we started thinking. I wonder how far out they are booking at Lichtsinn RV in Iowa, which is where we purchased our Miss Riggy in December of 2020. We traded in the one we bought from Ansley in May. We give the folks at Lichtsinn a call and they want videos and pictures of our issues before they try to schedule us for an appointment. We do that, send the things. Luck is on our side this time! They can get most of the parts and see us right after the 4th of July. Ok! WE WILL TAKE IT!
It's a 12 hour drive to Forest City, IA. We will take turns driving in 3 hour shifts each, which works our really well we have found! We can get there in a day, but we will likely split it into 2 days and sleep somewhere in between here and there. We cancelled our appointment at Juniata Valley RV and the guy was understanding. From now on we will go to his garage for servicing and other warranty work that pops up, unless, I suppose it works out that we can go to Iowa for the work.
Anything to get back on the road again. We have been home for just 3.5 weeks and I can't wait to get back out there! Don't get me wrong, I love home and all of my wonderful people that are in my life when we are home! But that doesn't stop by wanderlust from poking at me little by little until I get back out on the road again.