Holy Cow! I mean, lots of our country looks like Mars. South Dakota around the Badlands National Park area does. North Dakota around the Teddy Roosevelt National Park, that looks like Mars too. There are parts of Minnesota that look like an alien planet too, but now after seeing this part of Utah, the middle, I am certain this IS Mars! There aren’t any people around, it is very isolated and desolate. It is beautiful though! It is dry, dry, dry! My left eye has dry eye, so the second we hit the super dry climate, my eye started pouring tears out of it. Dry eye is the dumbest thing. Anyway, the drive to our current location was definitely different! On the Google Maps we found that on our way from Torrey, UT to Bullfrog, UT we would be heading due east, then south, then southwest and when we made that right to go south there was a town called Hankville.
Hankville promised a Farmer’s market open until 3 and a General Store called Silver Store Grocery or something like that. We needed to get apples, bananas, bread, butter if possible, and cereal. The Farmer’s market had no produce! LOL. We bought a loaf of whole wheat sourdough bread and 2 chunks of local goat cheese, OH!, there was a local greens salad that we got too, so, there was a LITTLE bit of produce, but any way, in the middle of the dessert and no one else around it costs $35 for bread and cheese and a little bit of lettuce. Crazy. Then, we found the general store and it was another bust! All that we found to buy there was a King size candy bar similar to a Payday, but nothing we have ever heard of. It is a good thing we don’t really need any food, we have 2 bananas and 6 apples. I only put butter on my broccoli and the whole wheat sourdough will do for bread for now. Lesson learned! Be sure to get all the things before getting so remote!
The pictures are from the scenic byway 12 In this area of rugged Utah.